Are your (online) meetings less than stellar?

Perhaps the person organising them did not preparare adeguately. Perhaps their time is a scarce resource?

Does that person have facilitation skills? You can hire me to pair with your staff and skill up their facilitation or I can handle the design and facilitation.

As a facilitator I like to encourage full participation, promote mutual understanding, foster inclusive solutions, cultivate shared responsibility. What's purpose of your session?

Get in touch

I can design and facilitate your next software project kickoff

I've been in the IT industry since 2001, hands on developement for 15 years before moving to coaching role and product management / facilitation.

Before the session I will work on reaching aligment on outcomes, roles, rules and agenda. After it your group will have a concrete plan to show what's next and who's doing what.

Generate insights in a retrospective

Does your group have retrospectives with only habitual thinking and premature convergence? Let me help you design and facilitate a powerful retrospective and make your team even more effective.

I host This is Retrospective Facilitation a podcast dedicated to retrospectives and chair Agile Alliance Principle 12 Initiative to foster purposeful retrospectives.

Tackling a wicked problem

Wicked problems keep coming back if you apply a regular problem solving technique.

I don't have the solution--nobody does--what I can do is facilitate group conversations to probe for patterns, help formulate an experiment to shift the perceived patterns and make sure you know how to radiate or dampen your experiment.


I can co-facilitate with folks from your side so they can learn by doing or tailor a workshop based on your context and needs. My workshops lean heavily on praxis a mix of theory and practice.